This is the website for Keresley Parish Council, the Parish Council for the civil parish of Keresley in North Coventry. A rural parish within the area of Ancient Arden countryside, two areas of Keresley are included; Keresley Green and a part of Keresley Village.
Boundary Map for Keresley Parish Council.

A Parish Council is the first tier of local government and represents the residents within the Parish. The boundary of the Parish is the same as the polling district, and there are about 650 electors within this Polling District of the Bablake Ward.
Keresley Parish Council is served by five councillors, who undertake the role on a voluntary basis to represent the interests of residents for a term of 4 years. We currently have two vacant positions.
To find out more read up on the Keresley Parish Council page or contact us via the routes below. Just click your preferred Method of contact via the icon.
Latest News
NEXT PARISh Council Meeting
Parish Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Keresley Community Library, Bennetts Road.
For the list of forthcoming meetings, see the Parish Council Meetings page
Minutes and Zoom recordings of previous meetings may be viewed using the links on the Historic Minutes page.
Site Page List
Below is a list of all the pages of content available on the Keresley Parish Council website.