Keresley Parish Council

Keresley Parish Council

Covering a small area in the north of Coventry the Parish Council, there are seven seats on Keresley Parish Council.

A Parish Council is regulated by means of a Code of Conduct to which councillors have to abide.

In addition to this, there are a number of policies to which the council must also adhere.

The monies required to run a council are raised by a small charge levied upon the ratepayers known as a Precept .

Financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management of a Parish Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution. Details may be found on our Finance page.

In January of each year, the Parish Council  prepares a budget which gives details of the work that the Parish Council intends to carry out over the following year or longer.

Following the end of the financial year, the Accounts of the Parish Council have to be submitted for scrutiny to an internal auditor.

The Parish Council need to be aware of any risks that may affect the smooth running of council business. To this end a Risk Register is compiled to identify risks and the means by which they may be mitigated.

What does a Parish Council do?

A council is responsible for making of local decisions and policy relevant to the public interest of the parish and activities fall into three main categories:

  • Representing the local community
  • Delivering services to meet local needs
  • Improving quality of life within the local community

Parish or town councils may exercise a number of powers at their discretion which have been defined by various pieces of legislation. The role they play can vary significantly depending on the size, resources and ability of the council.

The area covered by Keresley Parish Council is small having a small income with few assets shown in the Asset Register. However with all the proposed housebuilding in the area, 3100 dwellings, the income is destined to become much larger giving the council the capacity to do a lot more for the parishioners.

To find out in at any given time what work is being undertaken by the Parish Council, we encourage parishioners to attend our Parish Council Meetings which take place monthly.

To find out when the next meeting is to take place look at the Meetings page. Our monthly Parish Council meetings are open to members of the public and the press and the first 30 minutes, at the commencement of the meeting, is set aside for residents to make comments or to ask questions.

Should anyone have concerns they may also email our parish clerk.


Councillors are local people, unpaid,  who have an interest in the local community and the way it is run.

Elections for  Parish Councillors are held every four years in May to co-inside with local and general elections.

Should a seat become vacant , this seat may be filled by means of co-option by the Parish Council.

There are currently four Parish Councillors and we currently have three vacant positions. If you would be interested in being co-opted to the Council please contact our parish clerk.

For more information on the work of our Councillors please visit the Current Parish Councillors page.