National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
The NPPF, last updated in February 2019, sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied in the preparation of a local plan.
The following areas are covered in the making of a local plan:
- Achieving sustainable development
- Plan-making
- Decision-making
- Delivering a sufficient supply of homes
- Building a strong, competitive economy
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres
- Promoting healthy and safe communities
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Supporting high quality communications
- Making effective use of land
- Achieving well-designed places
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
- Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
- Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
- Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals
Coventry Local Plan
The Coventry Local Plan sets out citys blueprint and vision. It was adopted on 6th December 2017.
The Council has a statutory duty to prepare, monitor and review a Development Plan for Coventry. In accordance with national guidance and regulations, the NPPF. The development plan can be made up of a range of documents.
The Local Plan objectives are:
- Supporting businesses to grow
- Enabling the right infrastructure for the city to grow and thrive
- Developing a dynamic 21st century city centre
- Raising the profile of Coventry
- Creating an attractive, cleaner and greener city
- Maintaining and enhancing an accessible transport network
- Housing that meets the needs of all people
- Improve the health and wellbeing of local residents
- Support safer communities
In addition to a local plan, the core document setting out the policies of the council, will be a range of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).
These SPDs are non-statutory planning documents prepared by the Council in consultation with the local community. These documents are intended to provide additional information to assist with the interpretation and implementation of policies set out within the Local Plan.
All planning applications have to abide by the policies of the Local Plan which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and take into account recommendations of the various SPDs.
Keresley SUE
Within the Local Plan is Policy DS4 (Part C) – Keresley SUE Specific Masterplan Principles.
Within Keresley Parish a large area of land has been removed from the Greenbelt and re-designated for the supply of 3100 dwellings.

The Keresley SUE was adopted by Coventry City Council in August 2019 following several consultation periods with Coventry residents.
All planning applications for development within the Keresley SUE area should also take into account the guidance provided by the SPD as well as abiding by the policies of the Local Plan .