A council is responsible for making of local decisions and policy relevant to the public interest of the parish and activities fall into three main categories:
- Representing the local community
- Delivering services to meet local needs
- Improving quality of life within the local community
To ensure we provide parishioners with the opportunity to inform us of their views in regards to local matters, we host a number of meetings throughout the year that are open to the press and public to attend.
Ordinary Parish Council Meetings
Our monthly Parish Council meetings are open to members of the public and the press.
The first 30 minutes, at the commencement of the meeting, is set aside for residents to make comments or to ask questions.
Additionally, during any meeting, should a councillor have an interest in an agenda item, they must declare that interest and not take part in the meeting whilst that item is being discussed.
To find out when the next meeting is to take place look at theĀ Parish Council Meeting page.
Extraordinary Parish Council Meetings
When required to arrange an unplanned meeting at short notice, or to facilitate discussion on a key local issue, the Council may also call Extraordinary Parish Council Meetings.
These may not be known in advance however the council must always publicise this meeting seven days in advance.
Keep an eye on our Blog Posts or Facebook page to be made aware of upcoming Extraordinary Parish Council Meetings.
Annual Parish Meeting
All Parish Councils in England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting between 1st March and 1st June each year. Meetings should not commence before 6pm and must not be held in premises used for the supply of alcohol.
The Annual Parish meeting allows the Parish Council to explain what they have been doing over the past year and what plans they might have for the coming year. Electors, public and press are invited are the to hear reports from the Chairman and Local Councillors.
More information on this meeting can be viewed on the Annual Meetings page.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is another key annual meeting and can also be known as the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
It allows the election of key posts and Sub-Committees. More information on this meeting can be viewed on the Annual Meetings page.
Sub-Committee Meetings
Sub-Committees can be established by a Parish Council to facilitate the progression of decisions, activities or initiatives relevant to a specific area. Examples of Keresley Parish Council Sub-Committees include the Finance Committee, the Planning Committee and the Environment & Community Committee.
The Sub-Committees may host meetings, however as they are not currently quorate any decisions will be made by the full council and brought to Parish Council Meetings.
Further detail on current members of the Sub-Committees can be viewed on the Councillors page.